CBD Dosage: A Guide to Taking CBD Oil

To determine if CBD oil is the right choice for you, it’s essential to understand what CBD is and how it’s used. cbd capsules uk CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 80 active compounds found in the hemp plant. CBD-infused products fall into four main categories: ingested, sublingual, topical, and inhaled.

Ingested CBD: This involves consuming CBD oil that is processed through your digestive system and metabolized by the liver. Ingested CBD products include items like coffee, gummy candies, tinctures, capsules, and powders. These can be added to foods and beverages or taken on their own.

Sublingual CBD: This method allows CBD to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth. Sublingual products come in forms such as tinctures, drops, and powders.

Topical CBD: These products are applied directly to the skin to target pain and inflammation at specific areas. Topical CBD can be found in creams, patches, salves, shampoos, lip balms, and bath salts.

For detailed dosage recommendations and usage guidance, refer to this infographic.

For CBD capsules in the UK or cbd balm uk CBD balm, visit Love CBD.


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